Teaching and Learning Panel Call for Submissions

Fostering a Healthy Democracy through Democratic Accountability

This year’s Teaching and Learning Panel will focus on democratic accountability and understanding the power dynamics between the branches of government. Specifically, how do our professors successfully communicate the relationship between the branches of government and the power struggle that exists between them during time of divided and unified government?  How and will Congress limit the powers of the president if there is a party change following the 2018 mid-year elections?  What are the implications of these changes? How can we protect the integrity of the judicial branch? How can we balance the rule of law with justice and democracy? 

To be accepted for the teaching and learning session, we ask that you submit a proposal, with title, that works the theme into your presentation. This year, we really want to have substantive sessions on the theme in question. We ask that you prepare an overview of the teaching activity, with some supporting literature, to be shared with the group, and potentially posted on-line.

We have a peer-edited teaching and learning consortium/newsletter/outlet which is on the website. If you wish for your presentation to be reviewed for this, following the conference, forward a short essay focusing on the project you presented to acraig4@gsu.edu. Submissions should include an overview of the teaching method, and a short, supporting literature review. These should be less than ten pages in length and will be due December 31, 2018. Please note, you do not need this for participating in the panel, and not all need to submit; only those wanting to share their work in our online teaching and learning consortium, where we can all see, replicate, adjust, and use each other’s teaching pedagogies!

Additionally, the teaching and learning committee is proud to announce it is keeping with the tradition of the GATE and GASOTL teaching awards! The GATE Award is given for innovation in teaching based on a presentation at this teaching and learning session. The recipient of the GASOTL Award is selected by committee and based on application criteria. More information on awards are below.

Please send teaching and learning session proposal ideas to this year’s Program Chair and Teaching and Learning Coordinator: Ann Robinson, at acraig4@gsu.edu.



Please include Teaching and Learning Panel in the subject line. Please e-mail your conference proposal by October, 22, 2018 to acraig4@gsu.edu